

Two eggs will give you nearly one third (for women), or one quarter (for men), of your daily protein requirement.


Vitamin D: Eggs are naturally high in Vitamin D,  aka the “sunshine” vitamin, which is important for bone health.

Vitamin A: For healthy immune system, skin and eyes

Vitamin B2 and B12: For energy, health blood, cells and nerves

Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant to keep cell membranes healthy


Iron: Essential to make red blood cells which carry oxygen around the body

Phosphorous: For energy metabolism and healthy bones

Zinc: For healthy hair and skin

Selenium: An important antioxidant


More than half of the fat found in eggs is either monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. Nutrition guidelines cited by Bord Bia recommend that a healthy individual can have up to seven eggs a week, and those on a cholesterol lowering diet can have four to six eggs a week.

Mobile: 086 169 8691
Landline: 059 91 59177

We deliver our eggs to our customers within four days of lay, so you can experience that all important farm freshness. 

Where to Find Us

Opening hours:
Monday – Friday, 9am to 1pm
Address: Ballylean, Ballon, Co Carlow

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